Astro Sailyajit

Sailyajit Vastu, 45 Tips for Your Study Room and Your Child’s Success in Studies. You Must Know.

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1) Best study room location is in the north, northeast, or east.

2) Let your child study facing the north, northeast, or east.

3) The study room should always have only four corners.

4) The study table should be rectangular or square only. Avoid oval, circular, and other odd shapes.

5) Make sure that your study table doesn’t have any sharp edges as it can bring negativity into the area.

6) Avoid using glass on your study table; use good quality wood instead.

7) Use pastel, neutral or light shades as they are the best color for the study room.

😎 You can choose from yellow (knowledge), light green (commerce, maths, and banking), light pink (MBA aspirants), light blue (law), white and cream (calmness and peace), lavender and light purple (strong memory).

9) Never use black or darker tones as they are considered “inauspicious” as per Vastu.

10) In case your study room is in the north, then pastel green is the best color, according to Vastu. For a study room in the east, a combination of off-white and pale yellow can be used. As for a study room in the northeast, you can go for violet.

11) Place images of Goddess Saraswati (knowledge) and Lord Ganesha (good luck) in your study room — ideally on the wall in front of your study table.

12) Place the storage cupboard for books and other study-related objects on the southern, southwestern, or western walls.

13) Don’t let your child sit under an overhead tie beam while reading as it affects focus and creates distractions.

14) Never place storage cabinets in the center of the study room.

15) Place a crystal globe in the northeast corner.

16) Keep your study table neat, clean and decluttered at all times.

17) Place a table lamp and computer (if any) in the southeast corner of the study table.

18) Place a pendulum wall clock on the northern or eastern wall of the room.

19) Your study room needs to get a sufficient amount of natural light.

20) The windows in the north, east, or northeast and keep them open while your child is studying.

21) Use a sturdy and comfortable wooden chair to sit for a child study.

22) Make sure the doors of your study room face the north or the west only.

23) Keep all the trophies, certificates and recognitions on the northern and eastern walls for a boost in motivation.

24) Use photos of inspiring personalities who are related to your field of study room

25) Never placing a bed and a mirror in the study room as they create distraction and laziness in the child.

26) Put some green plants in the northeast or the east, especially the money plant, in your study room to improve the air quality and reduce stress levels in your child.

27) Keep the area in front of the study table open and spacious.

28) leave a slight gap between the study table and the wall so that the energies can freely circulate.

29) Get rid of any broken furniture, calculators, pens, etc. to reduce negative vibes in the study room

30) Never using steel, glass or mirrors on your study table, use good quality timber or wood furniture.

31) Never install the study room door in the room’s southeast, north-west, and south-west corners.

32) BCom, MCom, CA, CS, Banking, Accounts, and finance students can study facing the North.

33) Social, political, religious and creative students can study facing the East.

34) Sales, Marketing, Law, Defense and administration students can study facing the south.

35) Science, Match engineering, IT and Medical students can study facing West.

36) Never place a door directly behind the study chair.

37) Doors of a study room in North-East, North, East or West good.

38) Study place should have an ample amount of light.

39) A solid wall behind students signifies support.

40) Avoid toilets in the study place as far as possible.

41) Never place the bookshelf over or above the study table.

42) Never keep too many gadgets in the child’s room.

43) Avoid using red color in children’s rooms or furniture.

44) Never face an empty wall while studying. Instead, put a photograph of a God, a timetable, maps, or a photograph of an inspiring personality in front of the child.

45) A student should keep a crystal globe in the North East corner of his study table.

Sailyajit Vastu Report

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